Saturday, March 14, 2009

PD Opportunities...

I've been exploring 23 Things in the PD resource section and have learned so much in this past week. Some of the material presented was stuff we are learning about in class but trying them out as I read through each "thing" made it more real and I was able to apply some of the things I created to the wiki I've created for the class project. I guess you could say I'm killing two birds with one stone. I'm only at Thing 12 but I want to continue on to learn more ways to use technology. I've found interesting ways to incorporate Dene language into the world of technology through the tools we've been introduced to. Although I was a bit afraid of trying new things I am slowly learning how to navigate my way around the internet and computer. The PD opportunities available through and with technology are numerous and, depending on the need, any person or group could gain a lot through these tools used in Web 2.0.
A little note here about how youth are so much more able to navigate their way through things that we as adults are sometimes afraid to try. I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to upload the wordle I'd created to my wiki until tonight. I asked my daughter if she knew what screen shots were and she asked me to describe what I meant so I told her it was like taking a picture of something on your screen. She said," oh yeah, I didn't know that was what it was called but I know how to do it." Problem solved with the wordle...Amazing!!!I should have asked her a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. Great story with your daughter. How many students intuitively know how to do things, but don't have a name for it? Interesting. There is a Masters project in there somewhere.
