Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Information Literacy...

I have gained a lot of valuable information just from reading the material posted in the sandbox. It's not only valuable for students but for adults as well since searching the net for information can sometimes be quite overwhelming. I knew a few things but most of the material I'm reading is quite interesting. It would be nice to post some of that info where we can recover it for future use since we will lose it once the class is over. Can I copy and paste it or is that a copyright infringement?? :)


  1. I agree. The info on the wiki is great. But I think it will be there for awhile. I know Marnie has other wiki's still going from other classes she has done.

  2. It will stay - please use.

    Many of the links to the Information Literacy resources I created for a PD program I helped facilitate for 4 years. While the program has come to a close I do try to keep the links on the site current so that teachers can use these resources with students and teachers can use these resources for their own learning.

    So please use!

  3. As far as Copyright - I am sure anyone that chose Adventure 2 will tell you that anything in wikispaces is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike. That means use it however you wish, but extend similar rights to others and credit your original source :-)
